March 30, 2016

Free Falling body on Earth


Consider a body of mass m to be dropped at a height of 1kilometer above the surface of Earth. The body will experience a force of gravity equal to the acceleration due to gravity of Earth g = 9.8 m/s2 This value can be considered to be approximately same 1kilometer above Earth’s surface. As the body falls toward Earth, the displacement is considered negative.


·         1. Effect of air resistance is negligible
·         2. Effect of wind is negligible
·         3. Effect of rotation of earth is negligible

Initial Displacement y­’ = 0 m
Final Displacement y = -1000 m

Applying first kinematic equation we get,

y - y' = u*t - (1/2)g*t^2
u – Initial velocity  (m/s)
-1000 = 0*t - (1/2)*9.8*t^2

-1000 = -4.9t^2

 t^2 = 204.08

 t = 14.2857 s
This is the time taken by the body to cover a distance of 1km.
The final velocity v when the body hits the surface is given by 3rd Kinematic equation,

v^2 = u^2 - 2g(y - y')

v^2 = 0 - 2*9.8*(-1000 - 0)
v^2 = 2*9.8*1000

v = 140 m/s

Thus the final velocity of the body when it reaches surface of Earth is 140 m/s or 504kmph or 315mph

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