November 20, 2016

Moving body approaching Sun


Sun is a star in the center of our Solar System. Consider a body of mass 'm' moving with an initial speed of 10 km/s approaching Sun at a distance of 5R from its surface where R is the radius of Sun. As the body enters Sun’s gravitational field, it begins accelerating. This type of acceleration is continuous acceleration as it's continuously being accelerated due to Sun’s gravity.


  • The body can withstand Sun's gravity and will not collapse before touching Sun's surface.
  • The body can withstand the temperature gradients close to Sun. 

The final velocity of the moving body when it touches Sun’s surface is,
v2 = u2 + 2GM [(1/R) – (1/R+h)]  

Where, G = 6.67*10-11 Nm2/kg2 [Universal Gravitation Constant]
R – Radius of Sun [R = 695700000m]
M - Mass of Sun, M = 2*1030 kg
h - Height above the surface of Sun, h = 5R
u - Initial velocity of the mass, u = 10km/s
v - Final velocity of the mass

v2 = u2 + 2GM [(1/R) – (1/R+5R)]
v2 = u2 + 2GM [(1/R) – (1/6R)]
v2 = u2 + 2GM [5R/6R2]
v2 = u2 + GM [5/3R]

Substituting all values we get,

v2 = 108 + [3.1958*1011]
v2 = 3.1968*1011
v    = 565404.45 m/s

Thus the final velocity of the body on the surface of Sun is 565404.45 m/s if it's moving with an initial velocity of 10km/s. The change [increase] in velocity is,

 Δ = v – u
     = 565404.45 – 10000
     = 555404.45 m/s

The percentage increase in velocity is,
∆% = (555404.45/10000)*100 = 5554.04%

Thus the final velocity of object depends on the initial velocity of the body, mass and radius of star but independent of mass of object.

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