October 22, 2017

Time dilation in Mount Everest



The Earth performs circular motion once every 24 hours as it rotates about its own axis. Hence every object bound to the planet performs circular motion with the same angular velocity ω as that of Earth. Consider the tallest mountain in the world ‘Mount Everest’ which is 8848 m above sea level. This mountain also performs circular motion. Consider three observers one on ground level, one at the center of earth and another on the top of the mountain. The observer on the top performs a circular motion of greater radii with respect to the ground level in the same time which means the top observer is moving faster than ground level observer. The ground level observer also performs a circular motion relative to the observer in center of Earth. So according to the Special Theory of Relativity, a clock at the top of mountain would run slower than that on the ground level. We’ll find the time gained by top observer and ground level observer relative to the observer in the center of Earth.

  • Earth is a perfect homogenous sphere.
  • The effect of Gravitational time dilation is negligible.


The Angular velocity is given by,
ω = 2π/T [rad/s]
T – Rotational time period [T ≈ 24 hours = 86400s]
ω = 2*3.14/86400
ω = 7.2722*10-5 rad/s
The angular velocity is same at all points on earth since it doesn’t exhibit differential rotation. But the tangential velocity on surface varies with the distance from the center. The greater the distance, higher is the velocity. It is important to note that since ground level observer is also performing a circular motion, he will also experience time dilation relative to observer at the center of Earth.

The tangential velocity of observer at center of Earth is given by,
v = [R]*ω [m/s]
R – Average radius of earth [R = 0 m]
v = 0 m/s

The tangential velocity of ground observer is given by,
v = [R]*ω [m/s]
R – Average radius of earth [R = 6371000m]
v = 6371000*7.2722*10-5
v = 463.3118 m/s

The tangential velocity of mountain summit observer is given by,
v = [R + h]*ω [m/s]
R – Average radius of earth [R = 6371000m]
h – Height of the mountain [h = 8848 m]
v = 6379848*7.2722*10-5
v = 463.9553 m/s

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, the time dilation equation is,
t' = t/γ [s]
t’– Mountain Top observer’s time. [s]
t1 – Ground level observer’s time. [s]
t2Proper time or center of earth observer’s time. [s]
γ – Relativistic gamma factor, γ = 1/√ [1-(v/c) 2]
c - Velocity of light [c = 3*108 m/s]
t' = t*√ [1-(v/c) 2]

Center of Earth observer time
t2 = t since v = 0

Ground level observer time
t1 = t*√ [1-2.3850*10-12]
t1 = t*√ [0.999999999997615]
t1 = t* 0.999999999998808

Mountain top observer time
t' = t*√ [1-2.3916*10-12]
t' = t*√ [0.999999999997608]
t' = t* 0.999999999998804


We can observe that ground level and top observer’s time aren’t the same with respect to center of Earth observer’s time which proves that time dilates at a height. We’ll consider 5 different t2 values and calculate t1 and t' values. The larger the t2 the more is the difference between t1, t2 and t’. Thus mountain top observer will gain some time over ground level and maximum time over center of earth observer. In fact mountain top observer will gain 37.7 microsecond in one year with respect to center of Earth observer.

t2 [Center of Earth observer] (s)
t1 [Ground level observer] (s)
t' [Mountain Top observer] (s)
1 minute
1 hour
1 day
1 month
1 year

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