January 14, 2018

Velocity time dilation in Jupiter



Jupiter is the 5th planet and the largest in our Solar System. It completes one rotation about its axis in 9 hours 55 minutes and 30 second. It is also the fastest rotating planet in our solar system. As a consequence, the equatorial bulge is large thus the planet resembles an oblate spheroid.

Consider three locations/points on Jupiter, the center, equator and the polar region which is close to North Pole but not on the pole itself. All points on the planet rotate with the same angular velocity but with different tangential velocity which depends on distance of that point from the center. The equator will have the maximum tangential velocity due to its long distance from the center while the center will have zero tangential velocity since its rotating about itself. Even the North and South Pole will have zero tangential velocity since they too rotate about their own axis which is same as the center. But the region close to poles will perform a slower circular motion and will have a small non-zero tangential velocity.

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, since the equator has maximum tangential velocity and the polar region the minimum, a clock on Jupiter’s equator would run slower than that on the pole with respect to the center. We’ll find the time gained by equator and pole relative to the stationary center.


1. Jupiter is not revolving around the Sun.
2. Jupiter does not exhibit differential rotation.
3. Jupiter is a perfect sphere.
4. The effect of Gravitational time dilation is negligible.


The Angular velocity is given by,
ω = 2π/T [rad/s] (Eq. 1)
T – Rotational time period [T = 9 hours 55 minutes 30 second = 35730 s]

ω = 2*3.14/35730
ω = 1.7585*10-4 rad/s

The angular velocity is same at all points on Jupiter since it doesn’t exhibit differential rotation. But the tangential velocity on surface varies with the distance from the center.

Figure 1

Consider the polar region in the above figure. Let the latitude of that point be θ = 89°
So from geometry angle made by the latitude axes with the polar axes is,
φ = 90 – θ
   = 90 – 89°
   = 1° (Eq. 2)

The tangential velocity at the center is given by,
vc = Rc*ω [m/s]
Rc – Radius of Jupiter at center [R = 0m]
vc = 0*1.7585*10-4
vc = 0 m/s
Since tangential velocity is zero, the center is stationary. We’ll consider time at the center for reference.

The tangential velocity at the equator is given by,
ve = Re*ω [m/s]
Re – Equatorial radius of Jupiter [R = 71492 km]
The equatorial radius of the planet is also the radius of circular motion performed by all points on the equator.
ve = 71492*1000*1.7585*10-4
ve = 12571.8682 m/s (Eq. 3)

Polar region
The tangential velocity at the Polar region is given by,
vp = Rp’*ω [m/s]
Rp’ – Radius of circular motion at the Polar region
Rp – Polar radius of Jupiter [R = 66854 km]

From fig1,
Rp’ = Rpsinφ
      = 66854*sin(1°) (From eq.2 )
      = 66854*0.01745
      = 1166.76 km

The polar region is located at a distance of Rp from the center of planet but it only performs a circular motion of radius Rp’. This radius is really small as compared to the radius of the planet. All objects on this region still rotate with the same angular velocity and take the same time to complete the circular motion as compared to the point on the equator but will have a slower tangential velocity. This slower tangential velocity relative to high equatorial tangential velocity gives rise to time dilation at the equator.  

vp = 1166.76*1000*1.7585*10-4
vp = 205.1747 m/s (Eq. 4)

According to the Special Theory of Relativity, the time dilation equation is,

t’ = t/γ [s] (Eq. 5)
γ = 1/√ [1-(v/c) 2] (Eq. 6)
t’ – Actual time or Moving observer’s time. [s]
t – Proper time or Stationary observer’s time. [s]
γ – Relativistic gamma factor,
c – Velocity of light [c = 3*108 m/s]

Substitute equation (6) in equation (5),
t’ = t*√ [1-(v/c) 2] (Eq. 7)

The time dilation at Equator is,
t’ = t*√ [1-(v/c) 2]
t’ = t*√ [1-1.76*10-9]
t’ = t*√ [0.999999998243868] 
t = t* 0.999999999121934

The time dilation at Polar region is,
t’ = t*√ [1-(v/c) 2]
t’ = t*√ [1-4.86*10-13]
t’ = [0.999999999999532]
t = t* 0.999999999999766

t’ [Center of Jupiter] (s)
t [Pole] (s)
t [Equator] (s)
1 minute
1 hour
1 day
1 month
1 year
1 Jovian year


We observe that equatorial and polar region time aren’t the same which implies that time dilates more on equator than on polar region with respect to the center. We’ll consider 5 different t’ values and calculate t value. The larger the t’ the more is the difference between t and t’. Thus equatorial region will gain little more time than the polar region like 0.0276 second in one earth year and 0.3283 second in a Jovian year [11.86 Earth years]. Although the rotational velocity of Jupiter appears fast, it is not fast enough to detect measurable changes. The planet gains 0.03 second in 1 earth year which is greater than what Earth itself would gain in 1 year. But 0.03 second a year is very small to detect noticeable changes.


Velocity time dilation:

Special theory of relativity:


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